
Shanda Murray


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Term Paper Topics

  • An Analysis of the Folklore Influence in "Sula" by Toni Morrison
In this paper topic a paper writer will discuss the book "Sula" by Toni Morrison, and seek to understand the basis of folk tales hat she uses throughout the story. By understanding the old tales of black history can be integrated into this modern story by Morrison, we can understand how she is relating a tradition, rather than trying to create new ideas in this medium. With the influence of the folk tale intermeshed within the storyline, the narrative can also be affected by this style of writing.

  • An Analysis on the Writing Style of Alice Walker.
This paper will discuss the technical aspects of Alice Walker's writings and how they affected her and the times that she lived in. By analyzing the way that she writes a better understanding of her style will reflect the way that she wrote and affected so many peoples lives in the realm of literature. 

  • An Argument Against Repeal of Title IX of the Civil Rights Code.
This paper according to the writers from Essay Assistant will discuss how title IX of the Civil rights code should not be repealed just because of the over abundance of minority and female employment in the sports world. By simply taking this law away because of this, we endanger the idea of what the Civil rights fight was all about. By acknowledging that the Civil Rights laws are there, it should not be something that is dropped because of the very danger of it returning by its abandonment. The history of the Civil Rights fight was fought over this barrier in female sports, and if it is taken away, then it might give an impetus to racist business owners to take advantage of this void because it has been dropped. In other words, racism is not gone, regardless of the vast amount of female and minority athletes in the American scope, and this type of rationalization for dropping this law would only remind racist lawmakers to have leeway in this epic struggle.

  • An Autobiographical Analysis of the Poem The Poet by Paul L. Dunbar
This paper according to the writers from homework help service will seek to understand the autobiographical nature of the poem "The Poet" by Paul L. Dunbar. By realizing the African American experience after the American Civil War, we can see how Dunbar shows his own optimism to get an education, as well as his ability to learn how to write and give poetry to the world. However, he is also aware of the racial restrictions that keep him from being published, as white publishers would not accept his works.

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